Whether or not you agreed with the FDA and CDC’s decision to pause the Johnson & Johnson vaccine distribution this week (and there was a lot of debate), how the pause was communicated left a lot to be desired—and Facebook, once again, filled the conspiracy theory void
Important read from journalist Charlie Warzel about how irreparably broken Twitter’s Trending Topics are
Is this the dawn of the B2B sharing economy?
Loved this outline of an anti-racist business strategy. Bottom line: it’s not enough to think your company isn’t racist; we have to build actively anti-racist businesses.
Related: The data we use to build our tech platforms encodes systematic racism.
Thinking of telling that little white lie? Dishonesty is a slippery slope, according to science.
Happy Labor Day weekend! Speaking of labor, here are a few worthwhile reads about how work is changing:
Seven leadership styles for building organizational resilience ... and one to avoid
New challenges to the concept of working time in the digital reality
The COVID-19 crisis is a chance to do capitalism differently