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All entrepreneurship is social entrepreneurship

Most entrepreneurs start out wanting to make their own version of a dent in the universe.That’s the appeal of entrepreneurship: take a risk to start something new, and be rewarded with category disruption, wild financial success, paid speeches, magazine covers, and the like.

Garrett Camp and Travis Kalanick, the co-founders of Uber, were no different. Having both come from successful startups, they were familiar with the sacrifices needed to be successful. Famously, Kalanick said they aimed to grow Uber “at any cost.”

Dents in the universe by definition displace one thing in favor of something else. Whose responsibility is it to consider the social costs of disruption?

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Why social controversy is creating a massive shift in branding and leadership

Business as usual is dead.

Many once held as industry innovators and lions in their arenas are now falling like dominos, and their dismissals are finally shifting the terrain of acceptable business conduct between women and men. Prominent media figure Mark Halperin is the most recent to lose not only his latest book deal from Time but also a lucrative series with HBO based on his political writings. Laurene Powell Jobs’ Emerson Collective just cut ties with another prominent male based on news that surfaced about prior allegations of sexual misconduct. Amazon Studios’ Roy Price just had to resign under the same allegations. And the list will only continue to grow after the wide-spread news of film executive Harvey Weinstein’s decades long sexual harassment of countless women.

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Dear CEOs: Your company just got political. Own it.

Dear CEOs of America,

Let’s start with a hard truth. We’re living in a dark time.

No matter your party affiliation, it’s hard to ignore the increasing social upheaval and corresponding activism, driven in part by our political moment but undergirded by the bigger trends of globalization, automation, and a historic distrust in our public institutions.

Public life is in crisis. And when public institutions fail, it affects all us, especially the most vulnerable.

So why are so many of you, many with incredible influence over our everyday lives, sitting on the sidelines?

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