How deep goes the ocean

Last night I laid in bed talking with my nine-year-old son. My wife usually gets to participate in this ritual. My son has things on his mind, and every evening, after putting the younger two to bed, she crawls in with him and they talk about their days. I often arrive home too late to participate, but today was my day to whisper secrets.

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Let us be dissatisfied

On a day when politicians and public figures tend to glorify Dr. King and his message while whitewashing his more radical ideas — let’s never forget that two-thirds of Americans had an unfavorable view of him in the year before he died — I always try to go back to his actual words, both to remind myself of what he was fighting for, and to remember how far we still have to go.

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What's wrong with work?

A few weeks ago I re-read an article by the management thinker Peter Drucker from 2001 called “Will the corporation survive?” In it, he talks about his assumptions about the next phase of business. Since the 1970s, the economy had shifted to depend on “knowledge workers” — workers who make meaning out of information — and Drucker saw this shift putting power back into the hands of workers.

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A framework for thinking critically about social sharing

One the first day of the new year, I wrote a Facebook missive on how I plan to "go high" a la Michelle Obama in 2019, and aim to be constructive in my participation in public discourse. Not passive—and certainly not afraid to show righteous anger—but also steering clear of the meme-ification of political dialogue that was typical of 2018 social media.

As with most New Year’s resolutions, easier said than done.

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